I had lost my digiscrapping mojo, forgotten my passion for sewing, abandoned the desire to go out and do things with the kiddos, and it made me sad. I didn't know what was wrong, or why, but after a few unpromising medical test results (Rheumatoid Arthrits, possible Lupus, a diagnosis of Celiac based on symptoms/history, and a fatty liver/elevated liver enzymes), I knew something HAD to change. I started off going gluten-free back in September. Within 10 days, my liver enzymes were back within normal ranges, and my joint pain had declined greatly. Two months later, while reading the Wheatbelly blog, I saw a link for the Everyday Paleo coobook, and was intrigued. So, I bought the Kindle edition of the cookbook, and loved it so much I ordered a hard copy, too! Then, I stumbled across something on Pinterest that totally changed my life. I was struggling to find ways to eat according to the paleo diet, and was having such a hard time figuring out what I could and couldn't do. I knew the basics - no grains, beans/legumes, dairy, sugar or refined foods, but I couldn't wrap my head around it. Until I saw the most awesome picture EVER, in my ever so humble opinion:

Sweet! So all I have to do is pick out a meat and veggies to go with it, and I've got dinner! Yeah, it really is that easy. I even changed the way I shop for groceries. Instead of starting with produce and working my way around the store, like nearly every American grocery store is set up, I have started making a beeline for the eggs, which are the farthest item I need, and the only thing from dairy I buy. Now, sometimes on the way back there, I swing through and grab coconut milk, canned wild salmon/tuna, or sauces/condiments that I need. Next stop is bacon, then the rest of the meats. I look at what's on sale or is in the manager's special section, pick up enough meats to feed our family for a week, then head right for the produce. I buy veggies to go with all of my meats, then I fill in with fruits. I'm wasting less and getting more this way, and I love it! The boys are so excited to have bananas, apples, and oranges (or clementines!) available for snacking every day.
Eating this way has helped me to lose a good bit of weight in addition to helping me feel so much better in general. I am excited to be on the right track now, and love the way I'm starting to feel! I am actually ready to start exercising again, which thrills me!!! I just traded some homemade jams with a friend in exchange for a gorgeous custom hoop. I am so excited, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to keep the darn hoop spinning! I never was able to hula hoop even as a kid LOL! I'm finally ready to pull out the Wii Fit I bought 2 years ago and have never used, and I need to buy a good swim suit so I can go back to taking water aerobics.
It's great to feel good again!!!!!