Today, I received a call from a lovely woman with the early intervention program. She informed me that Jonah has been accepted into the program, and she will be his case manager! I was ecstatic - so happy that I nearly cried!!!
We had an intake person come out to evaluate Jonah a few weeks ago. She was nice, but didn't feel that he was a very good candidate, as he is incredibly sociable, and makes good eye contact. However, she was quite concerned by his refusal to eat solid foods at 8 months. Funny, because that wasn't even a concern, in my book lol! Turns out, that qualified him for further evaluation.
The next lady came out a week or so later, and evaluated him, looking at me like I had lost my mind. She couldn't get over how friendly and happy he was, how he made great eye contact, responded to different stimuli, etc. Yet again, she was concerned about his inability to eat. She said she really didn't think I had anything to worry about, and that she was going to run his information through the computer to see if he qualified. She was rather doubtful about it, though, saying that he might just be laid back and meeting milestones a little slower than average.
I wasn't thrilled about these responses, as I can see that something is certainly different with him. The past two nights, I've been trying to figure out what the next step was going to be. And the more I read the more I recognized traits in Jonah that seem very strong indicators of some form of an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Flapping his arms when he's frustrated or excited, opening and closing his hands when he's hungry and upset, not reacting AT ALL when the pyro goes off at a football game, right beside us. Then, of course, his issues with food. It really appears to be a combination of a texture problem, and just not knowing how to move food from the front of his mouth to the back. He almost "nurses" his food, pressing it to the roof of his mouth with his tongue, neither swallowing it, nor spitting it out. So many little nuances that I just chalked up to him being HIM!
Now, if I could just get Adron to realize that this isn't a BAD thing, we'd be ok. I'm afraid he thinks I'm overreacting, or that having a form of autism is a horrible thing, not just something that makes Jonah, well, Jonah lol! While I want nothing more than for my children to have "normal" lives, I think there are many, many blessings to be gained by being gifted with a child with
special different needs!
The oddest part, however, is the more I read, and the more videos I watch, the more I see of Ellie in them. Crazy - I honestly thought she was ADHD, but with the arm flapping she has been doing since she was 5 months old, the screaming that started 4 years ago (and hasn't stopped yet), and her funny aversions to touching things, I'm starting to wonder. That kid didn't eat much solid food until she was a year old, either...