Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's the big day!

So, I thought this was going to be a super happy, upbeat post, but things haven't gone according to plan...

Poor Adron is sick! We don't know if it's a stomach bug or mild food poisoning, but he feels horrid. Which, is the source of my own problems...

I didn't get to sleep last night. Well, I did, but just in 25 minute increments, because of Adron's tossing and turning. The house is trashed (baby clothes/diapers everywhere), I have a ton of stuff to do before going to the hospital this afternoon, and I am freaking exhausted! I went to bed around 11:30, I think, and woke up around 3:45. I stayed in bed until about 4:15 when I finally gave up and got in the shower. I've had a headache for 4 days now, largely due to tension and sinuses. So, I REALLY need to sleep. For goodness sake, I'm not gonna get any rest for the next 3 nights in the hospital!

The problem is that I can't sleep comfortably on the couch - puts a crick in neck every time. And I'm not at all good with sleeping in my chair. That puts my neck AND back out. So the only option is the bed, but since Adron feels icky, he's taken that over, and I'm screwed. I am so frustrated by this that I'm in tears. Why on earth can't HE sleep in HIS chair??? He has no problem doing that every evening while watching tv. And the ONLY place I am able to get any sleep right now is in the bed.

But I'm so excited about Jonah being born today! It's going to be fine, even if I *do* have a complete nervous breakdown due to lack of sleep...

1 comment:

Anne R said...

Exciting day! :)

Too late to worry about the sleep thing, now all you can do is look on the bright side - you'll soon be able to sleep on your back again!

Btw, I vote for the little "monkey suit" you got for Jonah - it's soooo cute! <3

Lots of love for you! <3 <3 <3